Tag Archives: midwife

Breastfeeding Myth

Understanding Early Breastfeeding: Colostrum and Milk Production Explained Many new mothers worry their baby won’t get enough nourishment before milk “comes in” around day 3-4 postpartum. Your body starts producing colostrum as early as 16 weeks into pregnancy. This nutrient-rich, antibody-packed first milk fuels Early Breastfeeding & Colostrum Production and gives your baby vital nutrients […]

Antenatal Expressing for Early Breastfeeding Success.

Antenatal Expressing for Early Breastfeeding Success. Have you heard of antenatal expressing? It is the act of hand expressing colostrum in the last few weeks of pregnancy You may ask yourself what are some potential reasons a woman would do this? Have you heard of antenatal expressing? It is the act of hand expressing colostrum […]

Mindfulness for a Positive Pregnancy Journey.

Embrace Mindfulness for a Positive Pregnancy Journey. A positive mindset sets the stage for a healthy pregnancy, smooth birth, and joyful postpartum. As a midwife, I urge every expectant mother to adopt mindfulness practices by downloading a trusted mindfulness app and engaging in daily meditation and breathing exercises. One excellent resource is the free, clinically […]

Easy Recipe for Lactation-Enhancing Chocolate Bliss Balls

Looking for a healthy snack that also supports your milk supply? Try this Easy Recipe for Lactation-Enhancing Chocolate Bliss Balls! These delicious, nutrient-packed treats are quick to make and full of lactation-boosting ingredients. Chocolate Peanut Lactation Bliss Balls Ingredients:• 1/2 cup rolled oats• 1 tbsp brewer’s yeast• 1 tbsp ground flaxseed• 3 tbsp crunchy natural […]

Parenting Beyond Books: Real Baby Sleep Advice

I’ve had so many heartfelt conversations with new mums lately—whether in clinic, at mothers’ group, or in those late-night messages—about baby sleep and behavior. The number one question? “Can you recommend a good parenting book?” And honestly? No. Because BABIES CAN’T READ. And let’s be real, they are terrible at following instructions! I get it. […]

Tips for Better Sleep During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is an exciting journey filled with changes—one of the biggest being disturbed sleep patterns. Many expectant mothers assume sleep issues begin after the baby arrives, but unfortunately, sleep disturbances often start well before birth. Understanding and applying Tips for Better Sleep During Pregnancy can help you rest more comfortably and feel more energized throughout […]

Feeling Overwhelmed as a New Mom: You’re Not Alone

Dear Mama, Did you expect this to feel so BIG? The beautifully decorated nursery, the perfectly made bassinet—it all seemed so important before. You spent months preparing, folding tiny clothes, organizing drawers, and imagining what life with your baby would be like. But now, as you stare at your newborn, swimming in a onesie that’s […]

10 Important Facts About Fetal Movement You Should Know

Feeling your baby move for the first time is an exciting milestone! For first-time mothers, fetal movements can be felt anywhere between 16 to 24 weeks, depending on the location of the placenta. As your baby grows and gets stronger, their movements become more distinct, providing insight into their health, development, and overall well-being. Understanding […]

Benefits of Side Lying Breastfeeding: A Step-by-Step Guide

Side lying breastfeeding is a game-changer for new mums. It allows you to rest while feeding, making those middle-of-the-night feeds easier. However, for many new mothers, mastering this position takes practice. This guide will walk you through the Benefits of Side Lying Breastfeeding: A Step-by-Step Guide, helping you find comfort and confidence in this position. […]

Essential Care for Your Pelvic Floor Post-Birth

After the birth of your baby, your body goes through a period of healing and adjustment—both physically and mentally. Pregnancy and birth place significant strain on the pelvic floor, and Essential Care for Your Pelvic Floor Post-Birth is crucial to a healthy recovery. Why Your Pelvic Floor Needs Extra Care During pregnancy, your pelvic floor […]