Side lying breastfeeding is a game-changer for new mums. It allows you to rest while feeding, making those middle-of-the-night feeds easier. However, for many new mothers, mastering this position takes practice. This guide will walk you through the Benefits of Side Lying Breastfeeding: A Step-by-Step Guide, helping you find comfort and confidence in this position.
Why Side Lying Breastfeeding is Beneficial
One of the biggest benefits of side lying breastfeeding is that it allows exhausted mums to rest while feeding. Sitting up for every feed, especially in the middle of the night, can be exhausting. Breastfeeding while lying down is often safer for a sleep-deprived mum than sitting up, as it reduces the risk of dropping the baby if you doze off.
For mums recovering from birth—especially those who had a cesarean—sitting can be painful in the first few days. Side lying breastfeeding provides relief by allowing you to nurse without putting pressure on your incision or sore perineal area.
How to Master Side Lying Breastfeeding
Some mums find side lying breastfeeding natural, while others need a little guidance. Follow these simple steps:
1️⃣ Lie on your side with your head supported on a pillow.
2️⃣ Position your baby on their side, facing you, with their nose lined up with your nipple.
3️⃣ Cradle your baby with your arm over their head and around their back. This keeps them secure if you fall asleep.
4️⃣ Support their back and neck with your forearm and hand, but avoid pressing on their head.
5️⃣ Help them latch by gently bringing them onto your breast.
6️⃣ Adjust their body position by pulling their bottom toward you to prevent their nose from pressing into your breast.
7️⃣ Bring your knees up to ensure your baby stays safely positioned and doesn’t slip under the blanket.
8️⃣ Allow your baby to naturally fall off the breast when finished, rolling onto their back.
Practice Before Going Home from the Hospital
If you haven’t given birth yet, ask your midwife for guidance before leaving the hospital. Practicing side lying breastfeeding under professional supervision can help you feel more confident using this position at home.
Need Breastfeeding Support? Book a Postnatal Home Visit!
Mastering breastfeeding—especially side lying feeding—takes time and support. If you need one-on-one guidance, book a postnatal home visit with Chrissy Midwife. Get expert breastfeeding support, personalized advice, and hands-on help in the comfort of your own home.
Schedule your postnatal home visit today and feel confident in your breastfeeding journey!