Healthy eating in pregnancy.

Eating a varied healthy diet is vital during pregnancy. Eating a nutritious diet is linked to good fetal brain development, healthy birth weight and decreases the risk of many birth defects. A balanced diet will also decrease the risks of anemia, constipation, fatigue and morning sickness. 

By choosing a wide variety of healthy foods from the five food groups will ensure that you and your baby are meeting your nutritional needs.

You may find that you need to eat more of some foods to ensure key nutrients are obtained, but there is no need to ‘eat for two’.

You can eat well during pregnancy by: 

  • enjoying a variety of fruits and vegetables of different types and colours. It is recommended that you consume 2 serves of fruit and 5 serves of vegetables every day
  • increasing your intake of grain and cereal foods to 8½ serves a day. Choose mostly wholegrain and high fibre options
  • choosing foods that are high in iron, such as lean red meat or tofu. Iron-rich foods are important for pregnant women. 3½ serves of meat or meat alternatives are recommended
  • making a habit of drinking milk, and eating hard cheese and yoghurt, or calcium-enriched alternatives. Reduced-fat varieties are best. 2½ serves per day are recommended
  • drinking plenty of water 

Foods and drinks that are high in saturated fat, added sugar and salt are not a necessary part of a healthy diet. Limit your intake of these to small amounts. 

The Australian Dietary Guidelines outline what is a healthy diet for pregnant women to make sure they have enough energy and nutrients for themselves and for their growing baby. 

How are you finding healthy eating while pregnant?? 

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