Pregnancy & Sleep

Pregnancy brings both excitement and enormous changes in your life! One of the enormous changes can be serious disturbances to your sleeping patterns.

Most new mothers expect sleep disturbances after their baby is born, unfortunately, however, sleep disturbances can start well before your baby is born.

Extreme fatigue can be a common issue in pregnancy, especially in the first and third trimester. This is because the body is experiencing both the physical and emotional demands of pregnancy. It is very common for pregnant mums to be prone to lethargy and tiredness. 

Additionally, the physical changes and discomforts a woman experiences in pregnancy, can also potentially disturb a once peaceful sleep. 

Some tips for a comfortable sleeping position include:

Sleeping on your side, usually the left lateral side position is most comfortable, it is also best for optimal blood flow, being on your side with your legs bent, commonly with a support pillow placed between the legs, sometimes even underneath the abdomen for extra support.

The semi recumbent position position is also a recommended sleeping position throughout pregnancy and is best achieved by lying on your back, propped up by wedges and pillows to achieve a semi-upright position.

The wedged-off position is similar to the Sleeping on your side position, with you placed on your side and with a pregnancy wedge, or even a rolled-up hand towel placed under the abdomen, increasing blood flow and adding to your comfort.

Some tips to help you get a better nights sleep include:

  • Do some regular exercise, not only will this keep both you and your baby healthy, but it will relax your mind and help you to get a good night’s sleep.
  • Sleep aids like white noise and lavender on your pillow can also significantly increase your comfort levels.
  • Nap when you can and where you can.
  • Make sleep a priority

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