Postpartum Plan

Do you have a postpartum plan ??

Or is there something you wish you would’ve known before your 4th trimester?

Not all muma’s experience difficulty in the 4th trimester… but being informed & knowing what to look out for can be really beneficial to optimising your postpartum experience.

These are some of the common difficulties experienced in the 4th trimester.

– your relationship with your partner may change (drastically)… taking care of your baby creates a new dynamic.

– Struggling to define your new YOU! & knowing how to maintain the pre baby you & the post baby you. You can still be YOU and a new parent at the same time. It just might take a bit to navigate what that looks like for you now.

– Feeding a  baby can be a challenge. Cracked nipples, tongue/lip ties, dietary sensitivities, reflux, establishing & maintaining milk supply, NICU stays, etc. can all affect your postpartum experience.

So what can you do? CREATE A PLAN & get EDUCATED!!!

Ask for help whether that be from friends/family, a postnatal midwife, schedule someone to come help clean, make meals, play with older kids, etc.

Take some time for yourself, eat nourishing foods, drink plenty of water and rest!!!

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